In the historical record, Akino, today’s Uda city in Nara, was the renowned village to harvest medicinal herbs. It is reported that Empress Suiko visited to hunt herbs (AD611), which was recorded in Nihon-shoki (the oldest chronicles of Japan) . The streets have some facilities associated with medicine and herbs, including Morino Kyuyakuen (medicinal herb garden) and Kusuri-no-Yakata (the museum of medicine).
In this tour, we will viisit producers of natural indigo dying and medicinal plants, learning traditional knowledge of livelihoods which had been handed down from generations to generations. Please note that we will walk around 2 hours to look for medicinal plants in the mountain.
Date: October 21st 2017 10:00-17:00
スケジュール Schedule:
10:00-12:00 笠間藍染め工房 Kasama Aizome Indigo Atelier
13:00-14:00 薬草料理 Medicinal Plant Lunch
14:00-17:00 薬草狩り& 2-3種類の薬酒づくり Hunting Wild Medicial Herb & Making 2-3 kinds of Mountainous Herbal Liquor
Participation fee: 3500 JPY
including: Guiding(English translation available), Medicinal Plant Liquor, Medicinal Plant Lunch from Ryori Ryokan Imazakaya
Destinations: Kasama Aizome (Indigo Dying), Ouda Matsuyama District and mountains nearby
集合場所:10時に染工房 笠間藍染 (〒632-0201, 620 室生下笠間 宇陀市 奈良県)、もしくは9:20に榛原駅でピックアップ可能
Meeting point: Kasama Aizome (620 Murou Shimokasama, Uda city, Nara prefecture) at 10:00 am or JR Haibara station at 9:20 am
定員:10名 (10 participants at maximum)
ローカルナビゲーター Local Navigators:
藤本勝也さん 薬草ガイド
Mr. Masaya Fujimoto
He is a medicinal plant guide in Uda city, introducing medicinal plant culture. His knowledge of traditional medicine is fascinating, and we will definitely have a fun from his story telling.
井上加代さん 笠間藍染め5代目染師
Ms. Kayo Inoue
5th generation of Kasama Indigo dying. She learnt traditional dying from her husband's father. The aitsubo, base of indigo has been huded down for 150 years, which is very rare thing in Japan.
笠間藍染めについて About Kasama Aizome
里山文庫 前田知里
Tour Coordinator & Licensed English Guide Interpreter.
Satoyama Library Chisato Maeda
She studied agro-ecology for her masters degree in the Netherlands, and travelled around small villages in India, Bhutan and Japan to learn traditional knowledge of food culture and ethnobotany. She organizes off-the-beaten village tours and experience programs related to food culture and sustainable rural livelihoods.
URL http://
薬草のルーツは宇陀に遡り、かつて阿騎野(あきの)と呼 ばれた地で、推古19年(611年)、大和朝廷の薬狩り の様子が日本書記に記録されています。そして、数々の名 だたる製薬企業が誕生した地でもあります(ロート製薬、 ツムラ、アステラス製薬など)。日本最古の「森野旧薬園 」や薬問屋であった細川家跡の「薬の館」も残っています 。
そんな薬草文化発祥の地で、植物に詳しく、お話も楽しい 地元の方のご案内で、実際に山に入り、薬酒の原料を猟る 「薬狩り」をし、2−3種類の薬酒をつくります。(ご注 意:2時間ほど山を歩きます)
また、生活空間である土間で藍壷を守り続ける笠間藍染め 5代目染め師のカヨさんを訪ねます。暮らしと切り離され た体験施設でなく、等身大の暮らしに出会う作り手を訪ね る旅。ぜひ、ご一緒できればと思います!
ランチは、老舗料理旅館今阪屋さんの薬草弁当をいただき ます。
In the historical record, Akino, today’s Uda city in Nara, was the renowned village to harvest medicinal herbs. It is reported that Empress Suiko visited to hunt herbs (AD611), which was recorded in Nihon-shoki (the oldest chronicles of Japan) . The streets have some facilities associated with medicine and herbs, including Morino Kyuyakuen (medicinal herb garden) and Kusuri-no-Yakata (the museum of medicine).
In this tour, we will viisit producers of natural indigo dying and medicinal plants, learning traditional knowledge of livelihoods which had been handed down from generations to generations. Please note that we will walk around 2 hours to look for medicinal plants in the mountain.
日時:2017年10月21日(土)10:00-17: 00
Date: October 21st 2017 10:00-17:00
含まれるもの:ガイド料、薬酒原材料、今阪屋さんの薬草 弁当付
含まれないもの:現地までの交通費、藍染め(染めるもの によって異なります。ハンカチ1500円〜詳しくはお問 い合わせください。)
Participation fee: 3500 JPY
including: Guiding(English translation available), Medicinal Plant Liquor, Medicinal Plant Lunch from Ryori Ryokan Imazakaya
Destinations: Kasama Aizome (Indigo Dying), Ouda Matsuyama District and mountains nearby
集合場所:10時に染工房 笠間藍染 (〒632-0201, 620 室生下笠間 宇陀市 奈良県)、もしくは9:20に榛原駅でピックアップ可能
Meeting point: Kasama Aizome (620 Murou Shimokasama, Uda city, Nara prefecture) at 10:00 am or JR Haibara station at 9:20 am
定員:10名 (10 participants at maximum)
ローカルナビゲーター Local Navigators:
藤本勝也さん 薬草ガイド
宇陀市のまちづくりに取り組み、数々の薬酒など手作りさ れています。植物にまつわる楽しいお話がきけます。
Mr. Masaya Fujimoto
He is a medicinal plant guide in Uda city, introducing medicinal plant culture. His knowledge of traditional medicine is fascinating, and we will definitely have a fun from his story telling.
井上加代さん 笠間藍染め5代目染師
奈良に20軒あまりあったという藍染め工房も最後の1軒 となりました。おじいさんから藍壷を受け継ぎ、いまでも 自宅の土間で藍立てされています。土間での藍壷を数10 0年以上守り続けている工房は全国でもすくない。
Ms. Kayo Inoue
5th generation of Kasama Indigo dying. She learnt traditional dying from her husband's father. The aitsubo, base of indigo has been huded down for 150 years, which is very rare thing in Japan.
笠間藍染めについて About Kasama Aizome
http://voicecream.jp/try/ kasama_aizome/
http://voicecream.jp/en/ try/kasama_aizome/ (ENGLISH)
里山文庫 前田知里
オランダの大学院でアグロエコロジーを研究中、食文化や 民俗の知恵を訪ね、インド、ブータン、日本の小さな農村 を歩く。海外向け食農ツーリズムのコーディネーター&通 訳ガイドとして活動中。
Tour Coordinator & Licensed English Guide Interpreter.
Satoyama Library Chisato Maeda
She studied agro-ecology for her masters degree in the Netherlands, and travelled around small villages in India, Bhutan and Japan to learn traditional knowledge of food culture and ethnobotany. She organizes off-the-beaten village tours and experience programs related to food culture and sustainable rural livelihoods.
URL http:// www.satoyamalibrary.org/
In the historical record, Akino, today’s Uda city in Nara, was the renowned village to harvest medicinal herbs. It is reported that Empress Suiko visited to hunt herbs (AD611), which was recorded in Nihon-shoki (the oldest chronicles of Japan) . The streets have some facilities associated with medicine and herbs, including Morino Kyuyakuen (medicinal herb garden) and Kusuri-no-Yakata (the museum of medicine).
In this tour, we will viisit producers of natural indigo dying and medicinal plants, learning traditional knowledge of livelihoods which had been handed down from generations to generations. Please note that we will walk around 2 hours to look for medicinal plants in the mountain.
Date: October 21st 2017 10:00-17:00
Participation fee: 3500 JPY
including: Guiding(English translation available), Medicinal Plant Liquor, Medicinal Plant Lunch from Ryori Ryokan Imazakaya
Destinations: Kasama Aizome (Indigo Dying), Ouda Matsuyama District and mountains nearby
集合場所:10時に染工房 笠間藍染 (〒632-0201, 620 室生下笠間 宇陀市 奈良県)、もしくは9:20に榛原駅でピックアップ可能
Meeting point: Kasama Aizome (620 Murou Shimokasama, Uda city, Nara prefecture) at 10:00 am or JR Haibara station at 9:20 am
定員:10名 (10 participants at maximum)
ローカルナビゲーター Local Navigators:
藤本勝也さん 薬草ガイド
Mr. Masaya Fujimoto
He is a medicinal plant guide in Uda city, introducing medicinal plant culture. His knowledge of traditional medicine is fascinating, and we will definitely have a fun from his story telling.
井上加代さん 笠間藍染め5代目染師
Ms. Kayo Inoue
5th generation of Kasama Indigo dying. She learnt traditional dying from her husband's father. The aitsubo, base of indigo has been huded down for 150 years, which is very rare thing in Japan.
笠間藍染めについて About Kasama Aizome
里山文庫 前田知里
Tour Coordinator & Licensed English Guide Interpreter.
Satoyama Library Chisato Maeda
She studied agro-ecology for her masters degree in the Netherlands, and travelled around small villages in India, Bhutan and Japan to learn traditional knowledge of food culture and ethnobotany. She organizes off-the-beaten village tours and experience programs related to food culture and sustainable rural livelihoods.
URL http://
薬草のルーツは宇陀に遡り、かつて阿騎野(あきの)と呼 ばれた地で、推古19年(611年)、大和朝廷の薬狩り の様子が日本書記に記録されています。そして、数々の名 だたる製薬企業が誕生した地でもあります(ロート製薬、 ツムラ、アステラス製薬など)。日本最古の「森野旧薬園 」や薬問屋であった細川家跡の「薬の館」も残っています 。
そんな薬草文化発祥の地で、植物に詳しく、お話も楽しい 地元の方のご案内で、実際に山に入り、薬酒の原料を猟る 「薬狩り」をし、2−3種類の薬酒をつくります。(ご注 意:2時間ほど山を歩きます)
また、生活空間である土間で藍壷を守り続ける笠間藍染め 5代目染め師のカヨさんを訪ねます。暮らしと切り離され た体験施設でなく、等身大の暮らしに出会う作り手を訪ね る旅。ぜひ、ご一緒できればと思います!
ランチは、老舗料理旅館今阪屋さんの薬草弁当をいただき ます。
In the historical record, Akino, today’s Uda city in Nara, was the renowned village to harvest medicinal herbs. It is reported that Empress Suiko visited to hunt herbs (AD611), which was recorded in Nihon-shoki (the oldest chronicles of Japan) . The streets have some facilities associated with medicine and herbs, including Morino Kyuyakuen (medicinal herb garden) and Kusuri-no-Yakata (the museum of medicine).
In this tour, we will viisit producers of natural indigo dying and medicinal plants, learning traditional knowledge of livelihoods which had been handed down from generations to generations. Please note that we will walk around 2 hours to look for medicinal plants in the mountain.
日時:2017年10月21日(土)10:00-17: 00
Date: October 21st 2017 10:00-17:00
含まれるもの:ガイド料、薬酒原材料、今阪屋さんの薬草 弁当付
含まれないもの:現地までの交通費、藍染め(染めるもの によって異なります。ハンカチ1500円〜詳しくはお問 い合わせください。)
Participation fee: 3500 JPY
including: Guiding(English translation available), Medicinal Plant Liquor, Medicinal Plant Lunch from Ryori Ryokan Imazakaya
Destinations: Kasama Aizome (Indigo Dying), Ouda Matsuyama District and mountains nearby
集合場所:10時に染工房 笠間藍染 (〒632-0201, 620 室生下笠間 宇陀市 奈良県)、もしくは9:20に榛原駅でピックアップ可能
Meeting point: Kasama Aizome (620 Murou Shimokasama, Uda city, Nara prefecture) at 10:00 am or JR Haibara station at 9:20 am
定員:10名 (10 participants at maximum)
ローカルナビゲーター Local Navigators:
藤本勝也さん 薬草ガイド
宇陀市のまちづくりに取り組み、数々の薬酒など手作りさ れています。植物にまつわる楽しいお話がきけます。
Mr. Masaya Fujimoto
He is a medicinal plant guide in Uda city, introducing medicinal plant culture. His knowledge of traditional medicine is fascinating, and we will definitely have a fun from his story telling.
井上加代さん 笠間藍染め5代目染師
奈良に20軒あまりあったという藍染め工房も最後の1軒 となりました。おじいさんから藍壷を受け継ぎ、いまでも 自宅の土間で藍立てされています。土間での藍壷を数10 0年以上守り続けている工房は全国でもすくない。
Ms. Kayo Inoue
5th generation of Kasama Indigo dying. She learnt traditional dying from her husband's father. The aitsubo, base of indigo has been huded down for 150 years, which is very rare thing in Japan.
笠間藍染めについて About Kasama Aizome
http://voicecream.jp/try/ kasama_aizome/
http://voicecream.jp/en/ try/kasama_aizome/ (ENGLISH)
里山文庫 前田知里
オランダの大学院でアグロエコロジーを研究中、食文化や 民俗の知恵を訪ね、インド、ブータン、日本の小さな農村 を歩く。海外向け食農ツーリズムのコーディネーター&通 訳ガイドとして活動中。
Tour Coordinator & Licensed English Guide Interpreter.
Satoyama Library Chisato Maeda
She studied agro-ecology for her masters degree in the Netherlands, and travelled around small villages in India, Bhutan and Japan to learn traditional knowledge of food culture and ethnobotany. She organizes off-the-beaten village tours and experience programs related to food culture and sustainable rural livelihoods.
URL http:// www.satoyamalibrary.org/
In the historical record, Akino, today’s Uda city in Nara, was the renowned village to harvest medicinal herbs. It is reported that Empress Suiko visited to hunt herbs (AD611), which was recorded in Nihon-shoki (the oldest chronicles of Japan) . The streets have some facilities associated with medicine and herbs, including Morino Kyuyakuen (medicinal herb garden) and Kusuri-no-Yakata (the museum of medicine).
In this tour, we will viisit producers of natural indigo dying and medicinal plants, learning traditional knowledge of livelihoods which had been handed down from generations to generations. Please note that we will walk around 2 hours to look for medicinal plants in the mountain.
Date: October 21st 2017 10:00-17:00
Participation fee: 3500 JPY
including: Guiding(English translation available), Medicinal Plant Liquor, Medicinal Plant Lunch from Ryori Ryokan Imazakaya
Destinations: Kasama Aizome (Indigo Dying), Ouda Matsuyama District and mountains nearby
集合場所:10時に染工房 笠間藍染 (〒632-0201, 620 室生下笠間 宇陀市 奈良県)、もしくは9:20に榛原駅でピックアップ可能
Meeting point: Kasama Aizome (620 Murou Shimokasama, Uda city, Nara prefecture) at 10:00 am or JR Haibara station at 9:20 am
定員:10名 (10 participants at maximum)
ローカルナビゲーター Local Navigators:
藤本勝也さん 薬草ガイド
Mr. Masaya Fujimoto
He is a medicinal plant guide in Uda city, introducing medicinal plant culture. His knowledge of traditional medicine is fascinating, and we will definitely have a fun from his story telling.
井上加代さん 笠間藍染め5代目染師
Ms. Kayo Inoue
5th generation of Kasama Indigo dying. She learnt traditional dying from her husband's father. The aitsubo, base of indigo has been huded down for 150 years, which is very rare thing in Japan.
笠間藍染めについて About Kasama Aizome
里山文庫 前田知里
Tour Coordinator & Licensed English Guide Interpreter.
Satoyama Library Chisato Maeda
She studied agro-ecology for her masters degree in the Netherlands, and travelled around small villages in India, Bhutan and Japan to learn traditional knowledge of food culture and ethnobotany. She organizes off-the-beaten village tours and experience programs related to food culture and sustainable rural livelihoods.
URL http://
<前回訪問時の写真 Photoes taken last time we visited>
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